This is the dictionary.com word for December 11 at 2:09am. This, in my opinion is the most absurd word I have ever seen. Its definition (according to the website) is: “To chew (food) slowly and thoroughly.” Who, in gods name, will ever use this word in a sentence or even in their lives? Why are pointless words in the dictionary? All big words do is make you sound like a pompous idiot, and make the person your saying them to feel like an idiot because they don’t know the definition of the word. Just because you say big words, it doesn’t mean you are a superior being to those who don’t know the definition of the word. There is nothing more aggravating when you are in an English class and the teacher uses a fancy word; however, no one wants to ask what it means because they don’t want to sound like fools, yet they no that everyone else in the class is thinking the same thing as they are. English classes are complicated and frustrating. No one actually understands what you have to that assignment is due. Its too bad English teachers can’t explain why the dictionaries have words like Fletcherize in them.