You know, I really dislike people that postpone great movies and TV shows. You know that they are movie and show lovers, so you go out of your way to tell them great things you’ve watched, but they end up never watching anything. They always have the same lame excuse of “oh, I’ve been really busy” or “I didn’t have time this weekend. Maybe the next one.” I would totally understand if they had more of a valid excuse for not watching anything, like “No, I couldn’t watch it this weekend because my parents are in town” or something like, “Naa, couldn’t watch it this weekend. I left to Bogota for my friends wedding.” Even if a person lied to me and told me they’d watched something, when in fact they hadn’t, I would be satisfied for getting with myself.
What evahh… people should listen to me more…
Here is a list of recent things I’ve watched:
Jackass 3D: so if you are into crazy ass movie’s than this is for you. A team of seven guys pretty much brake things and hurt themselves for a living. It’s a very funny movie, but a little bit on the wild side.
The Kids are Alright: very serious movie that slightly toys with emotions. I had an immense family debate after watching this movie. There is excellent acting (Annete Benning – a main character – won the golden globe for best actress) and great cinematography.
V: cool TV show. It is very science fictiony, but it’s pretty cool. It is more of a real science fiction, that an insane science fiction. Honestly, I’ve seen better shows.
In previous blog posts I have mentioned movies, which are all pretty much excellent (except for some of the over done movie sequels).
What evahh…
Hasta la pizza babies!