I hate it when a movie is made, and it makes a lot of money, but the producers are greedy and want more money, so they make another four movies of the same concept. It’s so irritating that the original concept is great, but then it’s twisted into something completely opposite to what the original plot is like. The two most common examples of this are Pirates of the Caribbean and the Harry Potter movies.

Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter movies defer slightly, in that the Potter concept originated from a book. It is rumored, that because the first four Harry Potter books were so successful and the movies as swell, that the movie producers paid JK Rowling a large sum of money to continue writing the Harry Potter books. Anyway, I stopped watching those movies after the second one came out. I never really gave the books a chance, even though they have become a pandemic. I’ve never been to keen on that genre thought. The Harry Potter movie series would have been better as a whole, if six movies hadn’t been made, only three.

I know that the Pirates of the Caribbean movies are somewhat good, but honestly, I’m pirates-of-the-caribbeaned out! I’ve had enough of those movies!! Basically, every movie is based on the same concept: Johnny Depp is a bad guy at first, but ends up saving the day with one of his crazy and wild ideas. Depp’s character, Jack Sparrow, irritates me to no extent. He always seems to be clueless of his surrounding’s, even when there are flying bullets and people getting killed. He never seems to care. One day he is going to get viciously murdered, and he probably won’t even realize.
I would way rather watch one excellent, extremely well made movie (well directed, written, acted, etc.) than four or five mediocre movies. Making one movie would take a fraction of the time, and would be remembered as a cinematic classic for many years to come. In my opinion, a producer’s main goal is for their movie to be fantastic, over it being lucrative. If a movie is fantastic, then the buck$ will come in too.
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