Ok. No more nonsense. I’m tired of writing about someone that doesn’t exist. Henry Friedman, Swiss boy, he’s nothing. He is a figment of my imagination that I never really liked; an alter ego. Henry Friedman is a partial segment of my brain. Basically, a mix of everything wrong and right that I think about.
Let me tell you the truth:
· I am writing a blog because my English teacher wants us to
· Not allowed to mention my name
That’s it. You’ll learn more about me as I write.
Well, I guess that when I say ‘you will’, ‘you guys’ or refer to you in any way, I mean you English teacher. I know that no one follows this blog, because it’s terrible and has no point whatsoever. I bet you don’t really care about it. What separates my mediocre blog from the 40 others in the grade? Honestly, I doubt you would actually read this blog in your free time. The only reason you are skimming the blog, is for the purpose of grading, which I doubt you like to do.
Just a quick question: why do you make us write a blog? I don’t really think people enjoy it very much. All it does is give us more grey hairs, seeing that it is more homework. I prefer the blog to in-class-essays; however, in in-class-essays there is a topic and a point. With the blog, I aimlessly type random crap to make the post look longer. If you would assign a topic for each entry, it would make life so much easier.
Whatever. I guess I’ll make the best out of it. I know my opinion won’t change your mind.
Meanwhile writing this post, I was also aimlessly wandering the walls of Facebook, when I came across a status update from a friend. It was something like this: “The truth is... I am Iron Man. *Goosebumps*” It got me thinking: in what movies have I been legit freaked out and gotten Goosebumps from the excitement and nerve. The most recent time was while watching black swan.
Right at the end, after Natalie Portman has had all the hallucinations and she’s just finished the black swan part on stage. When she jumps of the ledge onto the mattress and you see her bleeding. When you realized she killed herself so the ballet would end like the story of the swan lake. I freaked out at this point.
Well goodnight people. Sleep time
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