Sunday, October 24, 2010

Brookstone Helicopter

Hey guys. While I was in the Alps a few days ago, I came across something that I had bought a few months ago. A little remote control helicopter sold by Brookstone. I was at the New York airport coming back home after my summer vacations, and I saw a salesman flying the tiny helicopter outside the store. It looked really easy, so I proceeded to buy one. The only thing is, I never opened it. I took it to the Alps house, so that I could play with it there in the outdoors, rather than in Zurich. I simply forgot about the helicopter, until I came across it a few days ago. I opened it up, and flew it for about 3 hours. That was my hobby during my stay at the house. My dad saw me flying it outside, and he wanted to try it. He did – then he crashed it. Then he proceeded to stomp on the little thing out of frustration. Now he says its my fault that it broke. He says that I wanted to torment him on purpose. He is absolutely crazy, honestly! I think they should lock him up in a psychiatric institute.

Next time I see a Brookstone shop; I’ll have to buy three or four of these helicopters. Keep spares for when my dad breaks one.


In Mandarin Class

Hey people. Yesterday I watched the movie 'The Social Network'. The movie is about the creation of Facebook, and everything that Marc Zuckerberg (the creator) did. It is really fascinating and extremely gripping. I believe it’s going to win the Oscar for best picture. I highly recommend you watch it!

I’m back in Zurich now. I’m writing this post in the middle of Mandarin class. I'm supposed to be paying attention but I’m really bored. Were studying the history of rice in ancient China, and I’m falling asleep!!! I don’t really like the teacher; he is unbelievably bland and dull when he teaches.

He’s looking at me. I think he knows I’m doing something I’m not supposed to. Got to go.


Funny Video of Boys Fighting

Hey guys. How’s it going? I just wanted to share a video I saw on youtube today. It is really, really funny. These three random boys make a movie of them fighting with each other. It’s absolutely priceless! I could watch the video a thousand times a laugh every time. Here’s the link:

Saturday, October 23, 2010

2:30 am

            Hi people. How’s it going?  I hope all of you readers are doing well. I’m not doing to well myself. Its 2:30 in the morning and I can’t sleep, I have no electricity besides the 22% charge left on my computer, I have a horrible flu, and I’m stuck in my house in the Swiss Alps because of a huge snowstorm.

            My parents bought this house a few days after my Aunt Celia died 3 years ago. My Aunt Celia was in a fatal plane accident, while she was coming to Zurich to surprise my mother for her birthday. My mom stopped everything in her life and moved to the new house hoping to “reconnect with her soul”, as she called it. Nobody saw her or even knew about her because she pulled a Sabbath and didn’t use electricity for her entire stay at the new house. I didn’t worry I knew she was fine.  I’d write her letters wishing her the best, however she never answered them. Aunt Celia’s death destroyed the fragile relationships between the members of my family: those relationships that we barely had. My father, brother and I were devastated so we all turned towards our daily basic little routines, hopping that it no time it would all pass and mother would be home being herself, but our stupid little routines only made matters worse. We didn’t talk to each other, and barely communicated. For a month or so I went to a shrink everyday after school. I told my dad about it, but he didn’t seem very concerned about my mental sanity. I’d give everything in the world to have a normal family, a loving family, a family that cared.
            Well, I’m going to sleep now. It has been a pleasure writing today. Thanks for reading. I appreciate your support and feel free to comment.

            Goodnight folks,
            Henry Friedman

My house in the Alps

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Thoughts on Communism

Once upon there lived a great idealist, that revolutionized the world, his name was Carl Marx. At only the age of 25, he wrote “The Communist Manifesto” with the help of Fredrick Engels. The book was first published in 1800’s, and at first it was thought to be a crazy idea, but very soon it adapted by effective, efficient leaders. These leaders were people like: Lenin, Stalin, and the modern day Castro. The communist leaders were very popular at first, but after a few years in power, the population was starving to death and people’s opinions began to change, but unfortunately for the population, there was nothing to be done. Throughout the course of history, in my opinion, no communist leader has ever been good. They certainly were effective, and convinced many people to follow them, but unfortunately for them, they chose the wrong type of government. I think an egalitarian society should be encouraged, but not the extent where everybody has the same, and everyone is literally equal. Let me further explain what I mean: in the United States everyone has the same rights, due to the constitution and all, but everyone doesn’t have the same net worth. This is what makes the US such a beautiful society. Most countries try imitating the American system, but it never is the same. What keeps America’s system alive is the people. The American people are so proud of their system and their constitution; kids grow up hearing how great America is and are ultimately trained to die for their country. It’s no surprise that the US has the largest Army in the world.
Anyway, so I am currently reading “The Communist Manifesto” and I find it extremely hard to believe that just a thought of communist revolutionized the world in the last 200 years. Its appalling that a 100 page book (I say it’s a pamphlet) could do so much harm to the world.

Check up on Henry Friedman:
I’m bored out of my mind!! I am sick and tired of my sterile, boring, sickening life. I want to leave home so badly. I figure, if I rob my own house, and steel all of my parents’ jewels, I could poach them and make a lot of money. If I do this every year, by the time I’m eighteen I’ll have plenty of money to go and live in Venezuela. The saddest part of me escaping from home would be that my parents really wouldn’t care. They’d be more concerned in keeping their jewels, and in my brother. Have I forgotten to mention that my brother has begun working with my father? I bet in no time at all, my dad will hand down the business to my brother, and he will quadruple its size. The pathetic parents will be so proud of him, and me? Nothing! I am the official black sheep of the family that nobody likes. My parents have even told me this. “Why can’t you be more like Danny?” or “Danny didn’t get one B in all of high school. Only A’s”. One day, once I’m done making my small fortune in Venezuela, I am going to get revenge on Danny and my parents. For the first time in their lives they will pay attention to me, and if they don’t it will cost them something very precious: their reputation and their appearance. Something they will never be able to get back.
The time has come where I must say good bye. I have nothing else to talk about for the moment. When I have something on my mind, I’ll make sure to tell you folks.

See you around,

Henry Friedman